Dernières nouvelles

Dans cette section, vous trouverez les dernières nouvelles et mises à jour sur le CNDÉA, y compris les communiqués de presse, les documents de fond et les articles des médias sur le Conseil, ses membres et ses partenaires.

Dernières nouvelles

22 novembre 2017

Chef Terrance Paul et Chef Clarence Louie admis dans l’Odre du Canada

The National Indigenous Economic Development Board would like to extend its most heartfelt congratulations to Chief Terrance Paul and Chief Clarence Louie for being named to the Order of Canada. Chief Terrance Paul was awarded the Order of Canada in November 2017.
13 septembre 2017

Rapport sur l’amélioration de l’accès aux capitaux par les peuples autochtones au Canada

Our most recent report, , is based on a study that Waterstone Strategies recently produced for our Board.
13 septembre 2017

Le CNDEA publie son Rapport annuel de 2016-2017

Ottawa, Ontario – 13 September 2017 – The National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) released its 2016-2017  today.
13 septembre 2017

Déclaration sur le 10e anniversaire de la DNUDPA

Ten years ago the United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The National Indigenous Economic Board congratulates the Government of Canada for now fully supporting the declaration without qualification.
6 avril 2017

Recommendations sur l’accès des Premières Nations à l’argent des Indiens

In June 2015, the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples recommended that Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada convene a national roundtable with the National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) and other First Nations organizations to explore ways to facilitate First Nations access to Indian moneys.
19 janvier 2017

Que représentent les ajouts aux réserves pour les Premières Nations et le Canada?

New report identifies best practices in the Additions to Reserve process The National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) is proud to release our latest publication, . The report profiles the experiences of nine First Nation communities across Canada with the Additions to Reserve Process.
4 janvier 2017

Déclaration du CNDEA au sujet des recommandations de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation

The National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) welcomes the Government of Canada’s commitment to renew the relationship between Canada and Indigenous Peoples and to move forward on a path of reconciliation based on recognition of rights, respect, and partnership by implementing the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).
4 janvier 2017

Déclaration du CNDEA au sujet de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones

The National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) welcomes the Government of Canada’s commitment to renew the relationship between Canada and Indigenous Peoples and to move forward with reconciliation based on recognition of rights, respect, and partnership with Indigenous peoples.
22 novembre 2016

Aucune réconciliation n’est possible avec les Canadiens autochtones sans l’égalité d’accès aux opportunités économiques

National Indigenous Economic Development Board shows that improving education, training and employment outcomes would generate billions of dollars in return Ottawa, ON – Closing the significant opportunity gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians will annually boost Canada’s GDP by $27.7 billion or 1.
21 novembre 2016

Réconciliation pour le Canada : L’argument de 27,7 milliards de dollars pour mettre la fin à la marginalisation économique

Op-Ed by Dawn Madahbee Leach and Chief Terrance Paul On December 14, 2015, on the occasion of the release of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, made the following statement: "…we will, in partnership with Indigenous communities, the provinces, territories, and other vital partners,