Opportunities For Future Board Members

National Indigenous Economic Development Board: Opportunities For Future Board Members

The National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) is currently accepting applications for future Board Members. Board Members must be Indigenous and may reside anywhere in Canada.

Who can apply?

Candidates applying for the position of Board Member must possess considerable and demonstrated experience as an Indigenous leader in the field of business and economic development. Governance experience within a national or regional organization and recognition for achievements in this role are essential. Candidates must also be recognized and respected for their leadership, integrity, and trustworthiness by their peers and by relevant communities of interest.


Applications for the role of Board Member will be accepted until September 1, 2023.

How to apply:

Please send the following items to the contact listed below: a detailed, up-to-date résumé that includes your contact information and an explanation of relevant experience.

Contact us:

National Indigenous Economic Development Board Secretariat
10 rue Wellington, Suite 1455

Mail Stop 17-7

Gatineau QC  K1A 0H4

